Video released by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation shows a pickup truck hitting a snowbank and falling 70 feet from the westbound I-94 to southbound I-894 Zoo interchange ramp. The vehicle came to rest upright on the I-94 distress lane where witnesses found the man hurt but conscious inside. It was one of two accidents on the Milwaukee freeway system over the weekend, a SUV catapulted up an ice ramp and wound up against a median wall. In 2017 a driver was killed when his vehicle hit a patch of ice and went off the city's infamous south side High Rise bridge. The entire Milwaukee freeway system has gone through a makeover in the past decade. The current ramps connecting I-94 and I-894 was constructed between 2015 and 2018. Throughout the winter the constant cycle thawing and refreezing keeps local crews busy, with the chipping away of ice and snow a painstaking process.